
I am an artist living and working in Denver, CO. I grew up in Los Angeles, CA, in a household that fostered creativity and craftsmanship. I attended Vassar College, majoring in Science, Technology and Society as well as German Studies, believing my art would always be a purely personal pursuit, because I did not yet have anything to say. After graduating from Vassar, I moved to Brooklyn, NY, and began to train as an art conservator through internships at MoMA, The Brooklyn Museum and in private practice. After working full time as an art conservation technician specializing in modern and contemporary sculpture for five years, I realized that I now had a lot to express with my art. I was inspired, and sometimes disheartened, by the homes, galleries and warehouses full of art I often worked in. I knew seriously pursuing art might be a futile effort, but I had to keep painting, creating, dreaming. In a burst of frustration with NYC and desire for more sky, I moved to Denver with my partner Gabe and our cat Fritz. Here, I briefly worked for a private art restoration company, before becoming a prototyper of athletic shoes; a surprising twist, but one I am grateful for and quite enjoy. While I pattern and assemble shoes during the day, I dream of the art I will make when I get home.